MF Global Inc. will finally return 100% of the funds of its former customers beginning April 4.
This morning an announcement was made regarding this distribution by James Giddens, Trustee for the Securities Investor Protection Trustee Act Liquidation of MFGI. According to Mr. Giddens, "When MF Global failed more than two years ago, few thought a way could be found to make customers whole."
When this distribution is made, more than US $6.7 Billion will have been returned to over 26,000 customers of the failed combined broker dealer and futures commission merchant. It is expected that the distribution will take "several weeks."
Numerous private legal actions and a Commodity Futures Trading Commission enforcement action (see "CFTC Files Long Awaited Enforcement Action related to MF Global Collapse" at are still outstanding relating to the demise of MF Global in October 2011. Just last week the Plan Administrator for MF Global Holdings Ltd. sued Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP alleging that its “malpractice and negligence” caused MF Global Holdings to sustain more than US $1 Billion in damages in connection with its investment in certain European sovereign debt instruments before its demise (see:
For more information: see
"Trustee Announces 100 Percent Customer Distribution" at:
CFTC Press Announcement:
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MF Global Inc. Trustee Announces Final 100% Distribution to Customers
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